Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.

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ShepWave does not automatically renew subscriptions. uses Elliott Wave Theory as our primary trading discipline.

We also use proprietary technical tools to confirm Elliott Wave Theory Analysis.

Trading Analysis with Trade Entry Signals, Strategies, and Targets.

  • Regular Scheduled Updates Published by Market open on Monday and Thursday.
  • Pre- Market and Intra Day Updates for QQQ, DOW,S&P 500 (SPY).
  • TEACH objective disciplined methods of trading for any time frame.
  • Market Trend Trading.
  • Trading Options.
  • MarketTiming
  • Trading Stock Options.
  • Analysis on such commodities as Crude Oil (WTI), Gold, and Silver.
  • Dow Industrials, S&P 500, Nasdaq Indexes, QQQ, SPY and Selected Stocks Analysis

  • specializes in trading QQQ,SPY as well as QQQ options and SPY options. We give QQQ analysis and SPY analysis in our Trade Diary Updates. We give analysis for the Nasdaq 100 index as well as the QQQ. We trade the QQQ. ShepWave gives analysis for the Dow Industrials index. ShepWave gives trading analysis for the S&P 500 index. We do not trade the index but give analysis for those that do. also trades Options for the QQQ and SPY ETFs. We show exact option entry, side we are on and strike price as well as expiration month of the option contracts we purchase.

    In our updates you will find the Market trends we are trading. ShepWave gives targets for positions and areas to be used as stop/loss. QQQ Trends, Stock Trends, Why pay $thousands for a trend trading course. ShepWave provides guidance to the short, mid and longer term trends of the stock market.

    In our updates you will see an explanation of market action and probable future direction. We do updates usually several times a week. Our main newsletters come out by Monday morning and Thursday morning every week.

    . is an educational site. And FOR ENTERTAINMENT and EDUCATIONAL Purposeses. ShepWave Does NOT Provide Live Market Data at any time. We have created this site to help give educational and entertainmetn guidance to the major U.S. indices. The markets seem unpredictable to many people; we try to give clarity to what seems to be random movements in the markets.

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